2009년 6월 22일 월요일

AWA - issue (1)

연습 1.

Q. "The best way to preserve the natural enviornment is to impose penalties  - whether fines, imprisonment or other punishments - on those who are responsible for polluting or otherwise damaging it"

Discuss the extent to which you agree or diagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


Most people have thought whether imposing penalites on person who resposible for polluting nature. Some people might agree with it. However, while imposing penalties might bring some advatages to the society, I disagree with it and believe that punishment for damaging environment  is not proper wayt to preserve it.

Admittedly, penalties have some good effects. In other word, punishments can let people not even to try harmful action. For example, no one even try to throw cigarette on the road in singapore because if someone dump his/her garbages in public space in sigapore, s/he might be punished with huge fines. Therefore, punishment have some positive effect to preserve environment.

However, more importantly, punishment have a delicate problem because it is too hard to recognize the responsible person who damage environment. For instance, if a worker in some factory dumps hazardous materials into a river beside the factory by his/her own decision, who is the responsible person for punishment? Is it the worker or higher ranked supervisor? Therefore, punishment for harmful action is not proper way.

In addition, the legislation of penalties can not pace up to the change of way of damaging and the expansion of pollutant substances. For example, if the government start to impose penalties on some polluting action, people will find another way to detour the punishment. Also, if legislations have been made for 20 harmful substances, someone who throw away a harmful chemical element not listed on the law into the river can not be punished. Thus, punishment for damaging environment is not proper way to preserve the nature.

In conclusion, it is true that punishment is easy way to prevent the nature damaged. However, the punishment has some important problems. Therefore, the government should choose not to impose penalities on someone who is responsible.

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